A collection of functions that helps data management base::data.frames, particularly those derived from NLSY Extracts.
VerifyColumnExists( dataFrame, columnName )
RenameColumn( dataFrame, oldColumnName, newColumnName )
RenameNlsyColumn( dataFrame, nlsyRNumber, newColumnName )
The base::data.frame whose columns are to be verified or renamed.
The name of the column to verify is present in the base::data.frame.
The name of the column to change.
The name of the column to change.
The desired name of the column.
IMPORTANT The RenameColumn()
and RenameNlsyColumn()
functions do not use side-effects to rename the base::data.frame. Instead, it returns a new base::data.frame. In the example below, notice the assignment to ds
: ds <- RenameNlsyColumn(...)
The VerifyColumnExists()
function check that exactly one column exists with the specified columnName
. If so, the index of the column is returned. If not, an exception is thrown.
The RNumber assigned by the NLS has a pattern. In the Nlsy79 Gen1 dataset, the names start with a 'R' or 'T' and are followed by seven digits (eg, R0000100). In the Nlsy79 Gen2 dataset, the names start with 'C' or 'Y' and are followed by seven digits (eg, C0007030, Y1994600).
In the NLS Investigator, a decimal is present in the RNumber (eg, R00001.00). When the Investigator saves the dataset as a CSV, the decimal is removed (eg, R0000100).