The function accepts a (file path to) CSV file and creates a base::data.frame. The base::data.frame is modified and augmented with columns to assist later routines.
ReadCsvNlsy79Gen1(filePath = NULL, dsExtract = NULL)
A base::data.frame to facilitate biometric analysis.
The function does seven things.
Reads the CSV into a base::data.frame.
Checks that the NLSY variables C00001.00
and C00002.00
exist in the base::data.frame.
The NLSY variable C00001.00
is renamed SubjectID
A variable named Generation
is given a value of 2 for all subjects.
The SubjectTag
variable is created.
The NLSY variable C00002.00
is multiplied by 100 and renamed SubjectTagOfMother
The NLSY variable R00001.49
(ie, their Mother's HHID
is attached to each Gen2 record).
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
filePathGen2 <- "~/Nlsy/Datasets/gen2-birth.csv"
ds <- ReadCsvNlsy79Gen2(filePath = filePathGen2)
} # }