The NlsyLinks handles a lot of the plumbing code needed to transform extracted NLSY datasets into a format that statistical routines can interpret. In some cases, a dataset of measured variables is needed, with one row per subject. This function validates the measured/outcome dataset, to ensure it posses an interpretable schema. For a specific list of the requirements, see Details below.

ValidateOutcomeDataset(dsOutcome, outcomeNames)



A base::data.frame with the measured variables


The column names of the measure variables that eventually will be used by a statistical procedure.


Returns TRUE if the validation passes. Returns an error (and associated descriptive message) if it false.


The dsOutcome parameter must:

  1. Have a non-missing value.

  2. Contain at least one row.

  3. Contain a column called 'SubjectTag' (case sensitive).

  4. Have the SubjectTag column containing only positive numbers.

  5. Have the SubjectTag column where all values are unique (ie, two rows/subjects cannot have the same value).

The outcomeNames parameter must:

  1. Have a non-missing value

  2. Contain only column names that are present in the dsOutcome data frame.


Will Beasley


library(NlsyLinks) #Load the package into the current R session. ds <- ExtraOutcomes79 outcomeNames <- c("MathStandardized", "WeightZGenderAge") ValidateOutcomeDataset(dsOutcome=ds, outcomeNames=outcomeNames) #Returns TRUE.
#> [1] TRUE
outcomeNamesBad <- c("MathMisspelled", "WeightZGenderAge") #ValidateOutcomeDataset(dsOutcome=ds, outcomeNames=outcomeNamesBad) #Throws error.